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OUGD601: CoP3 - Online TV viewing websites

I want the practical aspect of CoP to be based around online TV viewing because it links well with my written element and it also lies within my personal interests. Over the summer I spent a lot of time asking people what they thought about Netflix, as it had become a site I visited regularly. I asked my family mostly because there is a wide age range between them all.  These all have a large age range from 8-76. I became very interested in how different ages interacted with online TV streaming as it is something that almost all age ranges are exposed to. My results were as I expected with the older generation of my family having no or very little knowledge of Netflix and what it did and the younger generation having their own accounts and using it regularly. These results do not mean that people in other families or professions do not know about Netflix but I wanted to use my results as a base for my research.

I wanted to look into the different online viewing sites and compare them both aesthetically and from a usability perspective. I found a website where users can submit a review and the results from their reviews are collected and transferred into charts.

The top 9 online TV viewing sites are:

  1. Netflix
  2. Amazon Prime
  3. Hulu Plus
  4. Vudu
  5. YouTube
  6. Cinema Now
  7. iTunes
  8. Google Play
  9. MGO
The top sites for User Experience are:
  1. Netflix
  2. iTunes
  3. YouTube
  4. Amazon Prime
  5. Hulu Plus
  6. Vudu
  7. Google Play
  8. Cinema Now
  9. MGO

I am not surprised that Netflix scores the highest in most categories because it is very well designed and has good user experience. These results are American so they are not 100% accurate in the UK (LoveFilm and BlinkBox are missing) but I find the results very interesting. Though Netflix has scored the highest I still think that user experience could be improved for people who do not understand how to use it. 

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