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OUGD601: Context of Practice 3 - Talk with Sainsburys online shopper

I spoke with a Sainsburys customer who orders food for a family of five online each week. I wanted to know why he chose to use online shopping, what strengths it has and what features it lacks.

1. Why do you chose to use online shopping?

I travel for work and my partner works long hours so it is a lot easier to just order our food shopping online. We also live in a remote location so doing our own food shopping takes a lot of time as we have to travel.

2. What strengths does online shopping have?

Well it saves us money in the long run because we are not distracted by other products on the shelf. It is also a lot easier for us as we can change the time we get our food delivered each week to coincide with our schedule.

3. What features does Sainsburys online lack?

It would be great if they had an app, the website is really poor and does not transfer well onto an iPad which is what we use. It would also be great to have a re-order button which just orders the same shopping trolley as the previous week.

Talking with this customer gave me some insight into why people use online shopping and what they need from the site. It would seem that most people that choose to shop online want a quick and simple way to find items. I will keep this in mind when I am designing my practical.

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