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OUGD601: Context of Practice 3 - Plan for CoP Practical

After writing my dissertation I now have to think about what practical outcome would best suit the writing. I focussed on online grocery shopping as it is an emerging use of the web. I think it would be effective to either re-design or design an online platform for online shopping. I could propose a re-design of one of the big four supermarkets Asda, Morrisons, Tesco or Sainsburys) or attempt to design the online service for Lidl or Aldi.


I took my idea to Simon who said that it would be interesting to design the online service for Lidl or Aldi as they do not have an online service as of yet. I think this idea will be the best but I have to think about time scales and also understanding the culture of another supermarket such as Lidl and Aldi. I want my practical to focus on navigation and I think this should mirror the aisles in the supermarket so that users can immediately recognise the layout of the website.


I have chosen to re-design the Morrisons online grocery website as it has the poorest User Interface (tested on a group of people)

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